INTRODUCING I-COM Web Solutions............


I-com is a company that develops systems and software for communications service providers, government organizations and other business clients. I-com
develops networks that make communications services more effective.
Company Overview

I-com ict services is an information and communications technology company whose major aim is to offer quality and affordable ict (Information & Communications Technology)and related services to the community.....
Areas of expertise are:
Web design and Hosting
... Software Development
Computer Network setup & Maintenance
Graphics design and Editing
Voip Setup

Our mission is simple: Make technology an asset for your business not a problem. Too many times we have seen other IT consulting firms recommend solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client's business or will not take a business' operations into their planning as they routinely bring down an entire business while they perform routine maintenance on a server. That is unacceptable. We won't bring you down in the middle of the day because it is "a better time for us". We work around your business. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

i-com just say it, we can code it.


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